VIJETHA contains all essential micronutrients in chelated form. VIJETHA confirms to the various State Grade Formula’s recommended by the respective State Agricultural Departments of various states.

Two formulations are available – for Soil Application as well as Foliar Application. When applied in soil or on foliage, the nutrients are absorbed completely by the crops. VIJETHA helps to quickly correct any micronutrient deficiencies present in the crops and as a soil application VIJETHA also helps to build up the micronutrient reserves in the soil.


  1. Micronutrient mixture – Soil application
    • Micronutrients are chelated using natural chelating agents.
    • Being chelated, the micronutrients are easily absorbed by roots.
    • Quickly cures and prevents nutrient deficiency in crop.
    • Supplies vital micro nutrients like Zn, Fe, Mo, etc
    • Improves overall crop growth and yield.

    Micronutrient mixture – Foliar application

    • 100% EDTA chelated micronutrient formulation.
    • 100% water soluble and compatible with other conventionally used formulations.
    • Easy absorption and translocation within plant body helps to overcome nutrient deficiency quickly.
    • Enhances crop metabolism and improves overall crop growth any yield.
vijetha foliar

Dosage Recommendation

Soil application : 5 Kgs of VIJETHA Soil should be applied per acre.
Foliar application : VIJETHA Foliar should be applied at the rate of 1 gm per litre of water, Use of 200 ltrs of spray solution per acre is recommended. Spraying should be taken up when temperatures are relatively low and humidity is present – preferably before 10 am and after 4 pm.